Thursday, August 4, 2011

Keeping Busy, As Always

(Previously posted on Off in the Clouds)

It's hard to believe that summer is almost over. I still have a month until I move in for RA training (and classes don't even start until September 22nd) but I'm already in school-mode, so summer feels like it's almost over. The day camp that I run was last month - huge success, as always, although we didn't have as many campers as we normally do. It's nice to finally have that over with, however. And I really do mean OVER since this is my last year directing it.

Now that camp is done with (which was pretty much my only employment for the summer), I've been keeping busy anyway - going back up to Davis for tours, hanging out with friends, studying for the LSAT a year and a half in advance (you know me), trying to learn the Arabic alphabet to give myself a headstart for fall quarter, and ordering class sweatshirts for my pre-law fraternity. I'm trying to stay in shape as well, so I'm walking to the library almost every day (since I get three miles in that way).

I just found out where I'll be posted next year as a resident advisor - the dorm for my honors program!!! I'm unbelievably excited, since I loved Integrated Studies last year and I get to work with my old RA. Fall really can't come quickly enough!

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