Saturday, September 17, 2011

Move-In Day!

It's Move-In Day! But not for me - for freshmen! That's right, today (half of) my new residents are moving in! (The other half move in tomorrow.) But rather than awkwardly knocking on their doors as they and their parents are trying to move furniture around, I thought I'd wait for them to come to my room with questions. I even wrote a note on everyone's whiteboards to say hi. And as a result of this brilliant planning, I've officially met 4 of my new residents. 4 out of 38 (with 20 moving in today). Go me. Not the brightest plan ever.

So I've spent my day reading (finished both Enchanted Ivy and The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian), talking to my fellow RAs, writing postcards, answering about 3 questions, practicing for tomorrow night's community meeting, and familiarizing myself with the new GEs the freshmen will have to deal with. Fun stuff. I really will have to start going around knocking on doors and meeting people just to keep from being bored...

Also, obviously, training is over (as of yesterday). It was completely insane, especially with our bulletin boards/door decorations/etc. due on Wednesday, but I had a great time as well. I met a lot of the other RAs and, hopefully, learned exactly what I need to do for the job... Another bonus, I got my on-call schedule and it seems like everything is going to work out for me this quarter, schedule-wise! Nothing's conflicting with fraternity events yet! So much win.

I'll blog again soon after I've - in theory - met more of my residents and gotten a better idea of what it means to be an RA!


  1. That's great nothing in your schedule is conflicting yet!

    I hope you get to meet more of the freshmen that moved in yesterday. Are you supposed to be in charge of those 38 or something? Just curious.

  2. Those are the 38 that are on my floor, so I'm technically in charge of them, but I'll also be watching over residents in the rest of my area (about 600 or so total) when I'm on-call.

  3. Sounds like you've been busy lovely, but it is what you enjoy according to your basics :P, so I'm happy for you. I just hope you won't stress yourself out too much :)
    That's great your schedule won't be conflicting with fraternity events. It sounds like it's going to be a good year for you love
