Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello, 2012!

Happy New Year, everyone! As amazing as 2011 was, I am ridiculously excited for 2012. So many plans for this year - leadership position in my fraternity, orientation leader job in the summer, and spending fall in Washington, D.C. - and some goals as well - straight As every quarter, be able to speak conversational Arabic, tone my abs, and read 75+ books for the Goodreads 2012 Reading Challenge (since I missed my 2011 challenge goal by one book). Also, I turn 20 in March!

But since I love reminiscing, some highlights of 2011:
  • Joining Phi Alpha Delta (and getting to know my big in spring and little this fall)
  • Becoming a tour guide and resident advisor
  • Getting involved in Social Psych research
  • My last time directing day camp
  • Amazing new friends!
  • Book and movie releases (Deathly Hallows Part 2, X-Men: First Class, Mastiff, Naamah's Blessing, etc.)
I have three more days until I'm back to Davis. Winter quarter starts a week from tomorrow and I can't wait for all my new classes! It'll be the best quarter yet... I hope.

1 comment:

  1. Spending fall in Washington, DC? That sounds AWESOME! I've never been there before.

    Like I said on Facebook, make the best of 2012 as you can, before the world ends and we all die, haha :P
