Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Finals Week Fun

Just a quick update since yes, it's finals week. I can't believe winter quarter is almost over! In hindsight, maybe 22 units plus my jobs/extracurriculars/boyfriend wasn't the brightest idea. But oh well, too late now. I'll only be taking 18 units in spring (Arabic, Social Welfare, U.S. History: 1917-1945, Abnormal Psychology, and a seminar for my honors program), so that'll be nice... even though I'll be giving more tours, doing more Mondavi shows, and maybe even doing a leadership position in my fraternity. Also, I somehow found myself agreeing to be a tutor for Research Methods in Psychology, which would give me 3 units of academic credit and bring me back up to 21 units... oops.

I'll do a longer update later when I don't have to study for my four remaining finals. The worst part of 22 units? Five finals over the next few days. One down, four to go.

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