Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March Blues

Well, I'm finally on spring break. It hasn't gotten off to the greatest start. My grandma passed away Sunday night at the age of 84. My family knew it was coming, since her health has been declining lately, but I thought it wouldn't be for a few more years. I'm really going to miss her - I'm just glad that I was able to be home to see her in the hospital (even if she was in a coma) before she passed.

So much is up in the air right now. I'm waiting to find out the date of the funeral (and whether I'll have to miss classes/cancel any tours/switch around RA on-call shifts), since it probably won't be until after Easter. I'm waiting to hear back from the UC Washington Program, waiting to find out my final grades for winter (which probably won't be as nice as I'd been hoping), waiting to find out whether I'll be employed with Conference Housing for summer, waiting to hear about another position in my fraternity I applied for...

I'm just emotionally exhausted right now. I'm semi-excited for spring, but it's hard right now. I'm not ready for Gram to be gone and I'm not ready to deal with school again.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Finals Week Fun

Just a quick update since yes, it's finals week. I can't believe winter quarter is almost over! In hindsight, maybe 22 units plus my jobs/extracurriculars/boyfriend wasn't the brightest idea. But oh well, too late now. I'll only be taking 18 units in spring (Arabic, Social Welfare, U.S. History: 1917-1945, Abnormal Psychology, and a seminar for my honors program), so that'll be nice... even though I'll be giving more tours, doing more Mondavi shows, and maybe even doing a leadership position in my fraternity. Also, I somehow found myself agreeing to be a tutor for Research Methods in Psychology, which would give me 3 units of academic credit and bring me back up to 21 units... oops.

I'll do a longer update later when I don't have to study for my four remaining finals. The worst part of 22 units? Five finals over the next few days. One down, four to go.