Wow, I haven't posted in forever. Ooops. I'm done with the fifth week of the quarter, which means I'm done with my first cycle of midterms. Surprisingly, Arabic is turning out to be my "easy A" class. Don't get me wrong, it's a very difficult language and I'm not having an easy time of it, but my professor has very clear expectations plus a lot of extra credit, which means that I'm positive I will be getting an A. Definitely going to look great on my law school apps. However, Bio isn't go so well for me. My professor is teaching the class as if Chemistry were a pre-requisite (which it's not, FYI) and there were some random Chem topics on the midterm that were not covered in class. Nor did they relate to Biology at all... Oh well, hopefully things will pick up from here.
I'm really enjoying the RA job - my residents are great and I love getting to know everyone. It's definitely a very social community, which is great except when I'm trying to sleep or it's after quiet hours... I don't mind the administrative aspects at all and my fellow staff members are great. The only negative part is being on-call - I'm not a huge fan of rounds, especially those occasional 4-documentations-in-a-night (hooray for hours of paperwork at 3:00 in the morning). Last month when I was the RA on-call for a weekend I ended up getting really sick because of all the sleep I didn't get. Luckily I don't have any other full weekends on-call - just a few Fridays or Saturdays here and there, such as tonight - so I hopefully won't be getting sick like that again.
Everything is going great with my other activities, especially my fraternity. I picked up a little this quarter, which I'm excited about because she is AMAZING. My big picked up another little (bringing his count to four) so my family just keeps on growing! I've been having a lot of fun with activites - for example, last weekend I volunteered at a harvest festival and got to help little kids carve pumpkins. Tomorrow night after I'm done being on-call I get to go to a corn maze! Definitely a fun quarter.
On a final note, Happy (almost) Halloween! Halloween is one of my least-favorite holidays but I love autumn so I'm not minding what time of year it is. Also, I'm on-call on Halloween night... should be an interesting experience. Fingers are crossed for an easy night.
And yes, I will be dressing up as an RA for Halloween. I'm on-call, so why not?