Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Packing Like a Boss

I'm finally getting serious about packing. My list has been done since the weekend but I'm finally in the process of putting stuff in boxes. I'd forgotten how draining it was... Also, I officially have everything I need for school. Minus rainboots. Supposedly Target has really cute ones, but every time I go there I only see black polka dot boots. And polka dots aren't really my thing. I guess I'll have to wait until it actually starts raining to look for a pair. Or I could just suffer like last year and walk around all day with wet shoes, but I think I'll pass on that!

Besides packing and shopping, I've been doing more reading and Pretty-Little-Liars-watching (of course) and also saying goodbye to friends. Goodbyes can be kind of emotional when you have friends who insist on going to school all the way in Massachusetts rather than Davis with me. Sigh. And I have no clue how my youngest brother is going to handle saying farewell to me this year. Last year was kind of a mess - he wouldn't let anyone sit in my chair at the dinner table for months after I left - so hopefully this year he takes it better.

Only three more days until I move back! (But three more weeks until classes start. Dang it.)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

One More Week!

I'm sitting at home, enjoying an evening to myself before things get crazy again. I have exactly six days to pack and see my friends before they/I leave. I additionally have a few library books to finish and eventually I need to finish learning the Arabic alphabet. I can already hear the little voice in my head saying, "Ha. Good luck with that."

I went to the movies today and saw Colombiana, which I actually really liked! Zoe Saldana is amazing and I have a thing for female assassins (ask about my middle school nickname, I dare you), so I might be biased... Just maybe.

I'm kind of sad since this is my last Sunday at my home church for a while. I managed to go all summer (even when my parents were at different services) so it'll be weird not to be there on Sundays anymore. I'm going to try to go to church in Davis, but that didn't happen as much as I would have liked last year so I'm going to try to be realistic about my expectations for this coming year.

Friday, August 26, 2011

New Blog, New Name

I have a new blog! Clearly you've noticed that if you're here now, but stating the obvious never hurts. This will be a lot more convenient to update than Off in the Clouds, which hopefully means that I'll blog more! All my old content is still around on OITC, but now my posting will be done on here. (I've also taken the liberty of moving my most recent blog posts onto here - check out anything older using the archive link on the right!)

Also, you may have noticed that the name "Off in the Clouds" is gone, replaced by "Dreams and Ambition." I'm still a dreamer - how can you be goal-oriented and not be a bit of a dreamer? - but I feel that the new name better encompasses who I am. I'm ambitious and proud of it, and I'm happy to be going after my dreams of law school, diplomacy, and politics. Hence the new name.

So, a few updates on how I've been over the past week! I've been keeping busy, obviously. I only have a week until I move back to Davis so I've been trying to see friends, get all the things I need for school (seeing as I don't have a roommate and need to bring my own fridge this year!), and finish all the millions of books I checked out at the library at the beginning of summer. Okay, I only checked out about 22 items at a time, but it still took me all this time to get through some of them. I finally finished re-reading Jacqueline Carey's books! Her ninth in the Terre D'Ange series, Naamah's Blessing, just came out this summer so I've spent months trying to read all the old ones. Some are over 900 pages long so I'm not too embarrassed that it took me this long, plus I've been reading a lot of other books on the side, but normally I would have been done within a few weeks. Ooops!

Also, I've recently gotten into Pretty Little Liars. Before this summer, I had never watched it. (In fact, I pretty much never watch TV anymore since I don't have time.) But thanks to my amazingly horrible friends Kathryn and Hannah, I have now seen the first ten episodes. And I'm hooked. I'll have to be strong and try not to watch more episodes when I go to school, otherwise it'll be impossible to get anything done.

Comment and let me know what you think of the new blog! Again, here's to hoping that the new format encourages me to post more!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Whirlwind Summer

(Previously posted on Off in the Clouds)

Two weeks left until I move back to Davis! Time really seems to have sped up, although I wish it would go faster (since I'm dying to get back to school). Lately I've been baby-sitting and giving tours to earn some extra money - I also worked a show at the Mondavi Center last weekend. Textbooks and back-to-school clothes/supplies are expensive, so I'm glad I at least have some source of income. I was home alone for a week and a half while my family went to Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon. I decided that was an excellent time to get a piercing so I got my cartilage pierced (left ear). I'm not exactly interested in a nose piercing so I figured that was rebellious enough. Sort of. Okay, not really, but it's still nice to pretend I went wild with my family gone! Mainly I just hung out with friends, worked, and took care of my (extremely lonely and needy) kitty.
My other "projects" for the summer have been watching seasons 4 and 5 of Gilmore Girls and re-reading Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel series. I'm embarrassed that I'm still only on book 6 out of 9, which is still a big accomplishment considering that a few of them are over 900 pages long, but I've been reading quite a few other books on the side so I don't feel too bad about being slow. I'm also reading every "how to get into law school" book I can get my hands on, mixed in with some LSAT prep. I won't have time once school starts, so I might as well get as much done now as I can!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Keeping Busy, As Always

(Previously posted on Off in the Clouds)

It's hard to believe that summer is almost over. I still have a month until I move in for RA training (and classes don't even start until September 22nd) but I'm already in school-mode, so summer feels like it's almost over. The day camp that I run was last month - huge success, as always, although we didn't have as many campers as we normally do. It's nice to finally have that over with, however. And I really do mean OVER since this is my last year directing it.

Now that camp is done with (which was pretty much my only employment for the summer), I've been keeping busy anyway - going back up to Davis for tours, hanging out with friends, studying for the LSAT a year and a half in advance (you know me), trying to learn the Arabic alphabet to give myself a headstart for fall quarter, and ordering class sweatshirts for my pre-law fraternity. I'm trying to stay in shape as well, so I'm walking to the library almost every day (since I get three miles in that way).

I just found out where I'll be posted next year as a resident advisor - the dorm for my honors program!!! I'm unbelievably excited, since I loved Integrated Studies last year and I get to work with my old RA. Fall really can't come quickly enough!