Thursday, January 3, 2013

Greetings, 2013!

Happy New Year and welcome to 2013! 2012 was seriously the best year of my life so far, despite all the ups and downs.
  • I turned 20 and got a boyfriend
  • I lost my grandma in March
  • I was Social Chair for my pre-law fraternity
  • I moved off-campus and began experiencing the "apartment life"
  • I began managing the Social Psych lab I work in
  • I finished up my resident advisor position and spent the summer working for Conference Housing
  • I spent fall in DC and interned for the State Department!
  • I read 65 books and completed my Goodreads challenge
  • And I enjoyed the midnight releases of Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers, and The Hobbit!
I know that 2013 will be even better than 2012, and not just because I'm finally turning 21 in March! I'm determined to make this the best year yet: I want to score well on the LSAT and get my (already high) GPA up even more to apply to top law schools in the fall. I'm hoping to go for a couple more fraternity leadership positions. I want to get highest honors on my Psychology and International Relations honors theses, both of which I will be completing this year. And last of all, I want to spend the summer in the Middle East - possibly working for the State Department again, maybe studying Arabic through the Critical Language Scholarship Program, or if all else fails studying abroad in Egypt through UC Davis.

Even if 13 isn't quite the luckiest number, I'm still hopeful that 2013 will turn out to be an amazing year. Best of luck to everyone this year!