Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Midsummer Morning's Ramblings

I thought I'd take the time to blog since A) it's been far too long and B) I still have 30 minutes left of work before I can finally go home and crash. Got to love on-call shifts...

The past few months have been insane yet fun! Spring quarter was a blur of classes (which went well, if not as well as I'd hoped), boyfriend, fraternity events (I was VERY busy as our social chair and Relay for Life team captain), UCDC preparations, and of course the RA job/Mondavi Center/tours.

  • Fraternity banquet in June that I spent the quarter planning (pictures up on Facebook!)
  • Working the Improvised Shakespeare Company's four-night run at Mondavi back in April
  • I was accepted to my dream internship - I'll be working with the State Department in fall!
  • My summer job with Conference Housing - it definitely keeps me busy and the hours aren't always great, but I love having a full-time job and I can't complain about a customer service/desk position
  • Getting "Tour Guide of the Month" for June
  • Being promoted to Lab Manager for the Social Psych lab I've been working in for the past year
  • Midnight movie premieres for Avengers in May and Dark Knight Rises last week <3
More than anything, I'm excited for Washington, D.C. right now. I still can't believe I landed my dream internship (and I just passed my background check a couple of weeks back, so I'm good to go). I'm actually setting up another blog for D.C. since UC Davis wants to give prospective students a taste of what UCDC life is like. Hopefully that means you'll be hearing from me more in the fall!